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What Are Medical Support Hose – 7 Things To Know

Medical support stockings, or medical compression stockings, offer a number of benefits for healthy and unhealthy patients alike. If you have any circulatory issues in your lower legs or feet, your doctor has likely recommended them. 

But what are leg compression sleeves? What do they do? And how can you get a pair that’s right for you? Read on to find out!

what are medical support hose

Purpose of Medical Support Hose

Medical support hoses are compression socks or stockings that apply pressure to your lower legs to prevent blood clots and promote blood flow. Support hoses increase pressure, move fluid up the leg, and move blood flow to the heart, which reduces swelling and pain.

It is a great option for people who need to wear support hose for medical reasons but don’t want to wear traditional compression stockings. For example, if you have varicose veins or poor circulation, you may be prescribed medical support hosiery to help improve your symptoms.

Read: How To Choose The Right Compression Socks [Ultimate Guide]

Medical Significance of Support Hose

Medical Support Hose Aid Circulation

A medical support hose is designed to help improve circulation and ease swelling, as well as prevent blood clots, varicose veins, tissue damage, and skin damage.

This can be a great tool for anyone who has ever had surgery or an injury that requires them to sit still for long periods of time.

The medical support hose can also help you get back on your feet after surgery or injury by promoting better circulation in your legs and reducing pain associated with immobility.

Support Hose Can Help Relieve Pain

A support hose can help relieve pain. Your legs and feet may feel better if you wear a support hose. The socks are made of a material that holds the muscles in place and keeps them from moving too much.

This helps to reduce swelling and pain in the legs, feet, ankles, and calves. They also keep moisture away from your skin so you don’t experience any irritation or itching caused by heat rash or friction burns on areas with thin skin such as heels or toes.

Medical Support Hose Help Prevent Swelling

For the person who has recently sustained an injury, the swelling and pain are a constant reminder of their misfortune. If left untreated, this swelling may continue to get worse over time.

Support hoses are designed specifically to help reduce and prevent this type of swelling. The support hose is made with materials that will not only ensure comfort for the wearer but also provide assistance in reducing pain caused by fluid retention.

They Are Comfortable To Wear

Medical support hoses are comfortable to wear. They’re easy to put on and take off, and you don’t have to worry about getting the right size. You can clean them in your washing machine or by hand with just a little soap.

Medical support hose doesn’t make you feel hot or cold, either, and they won’t make you feel itchy or like you’re wearing a second skin.

Easy To Get For Most People

Compression stockings are easy to get for most people. Nearly every pharmacy carries compression stockings, and they’re available in a variety of styles and sizes—so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding something that works well for your legs.

While you probably won’t be able to pick up compression stockings without a prescription these days (due to their potential side effects), the good news is that they don’t require one if your doctor believes they’ll help relieve or prevent venous disease.

So if this is the case with you, don’t hesitate! Go ahead and try them out; then let us know how it goes!

They Help You Feel Better and Live a More Comfortable Life

Support hose can help you feel better and live a more comfortable life. The main function of a support hose is to minimize swelling, which causes many people with diabetes to experience pain in their feet and ankles.

The support provided by the support hose prevents the buildup of fluid in your legs, so they look more toned. This also helps prevent varicose veins from forming or getting worse over time.

They are easy to get for most people since there are several manufacturers who make them for men or women with swollen legs as well as those who need extra compression on their calves due to other health problems such as high blood pressure or circulatory diseases like deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

FAQs – Get More Clarity!

Why do doctors prescribe medical support hose?

Compression stockings, socks, and hosiery are commonly prescribed by doctors to help alleviate the swelling and pain associated with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a condition in which the veins do not sufficiently return blood from the legs back up to the heart.

The pressure generated by compression stockings helps move blood against gravity and prevents the pooling of fluid in the lower extremities caused by prolonged standing or sitting.

How to wear medical support stockings?

Wear medical support stockings by holding the top of the stocking and rolling it down to your heel. Put your foot into the stocking as far as you can, and then pull it up.

If your stocking has wrinkles or bunching, smooth them out once the top is in place. Keep the stockings from bunching up or wrinkled while wearing them.


If you’re suffering from pain, swelling, or poor circulation, give medical support hose some serious consideration. It will help you to control regular muscle cramps by controlling irrational blood flow, ease your walk if you’ve been diagnosed with clots, and many more.

You’ll be able to find a wide variety of styles and brands available at many different price points. If you’ve been suffering for too long with these symptoms, it’s time to do something about it!

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Alexa Roy

Alexa Roy is a dedicated medical student who knows compression socks well. Despite not being a doctor, her passion for non-invasive well-being has made her a trusted source. Alexa's articles are backed by her medical knowledge, providing valuable insights into the world of compression wear.